About Us
We are a group of volunteers dedicated to the mission, vision, and goals of AWHONN. Volunteers provide invaluable ideas, energy and support to AWHONN’s programs, projects and services to help us achieve our mission. Are you ready to volunteer? We're looking for volunteers passionate about their work and the advancement of their nurse colleagues. We've got positions open to fit your desires. Email us at info@oregonawhonn.org for more information. Specifically, we're looking for Chapter Leaders and Conference Committee Members.
Meet Your Elected Leaders
Elected leaders hold 3-year terms of office for a maximum of two terms.
Congratulations to our newest officers, Megan and Mary!
Meet the Rest of Your Section Leadership Team
Meet Your Chapter Leadership Team
Meet Your Conference Committee
Our annual Fall Conference is put on by an amazing group of people who volunteer their time to ensure all of you benefit from our premiere event. If you have questions about the Fall Conference or would like to learn more about volunteering, please contact us at conference-questions@oregonawhonn.org.
Name | Role |
Randa Bates | Conference Co-Chair |
Deidre Miller | Conference Co-Chair |
Megan Ludena | Section Chair, Social Event Coordinator |
Mary Hanson | Section Secretary/Treasurer |
Jen Atkisson | Continuing Education Coordinator |
Deb Castile | EWEB, Donations, Raffles, AWHONN Store Coordinator |
Rosemary Clark | Social Media, Audio/Visual Coordinator |
Jennifer Jamieson | TBD |
Brooke Jensen | TBD |
Rebecca Johnson | Vendor Coordinator |
Andrea Smith | Charity Coordinator |
Amanda Swinehart | Communications, Website, Registration Coordinator |
Shelley White | Student Program Coordinator |